

September 2022

Completely disabling duotone filters along with their hidden SVG HTML output

For as long as I’ve been working with the WordPress block editor, the duotone filters have barely been useful to me. There’s maybe one project out of the 25+ I’ve […]

August 2022

Fetching Google My Business reviews using the Google API and OAuth2 – a WordPress boilerplate class

A business website I am currently building has multiple physical locations, each with their own Google My Business listing. To improve trust and highlight their service quality, we wanted to […]

CSS media queries and the weird edge case of decimal place vw values

I came across quite the weird edge case today. On a client site, a colleague noticed the header menu being visible alongside the mobile menu icon. That shouldn’t happen. The […]

June 2021

Exclude specific sites or posts from the built-in WordPress search

The built-in WordPress search might not be the greatest, and there’s plenty of extensions to give it some more power (I’m personally a big fan of SearchWP). For simple sites […]

Hello world!

Remember that title? WordPress’ default first blog post. I’ll just leave it at that. This is the first blog post on It’s June 2021 and I’m setting this site […]