
Hey, I’m Chris.

I’m a WordPress and WooCommerce developer. I build websites and e-commerce sites for clients, provide managed services and help them get going with their online marketing efforts.

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My online career started somewhere around 2005, when I designed, developed and shared themes for Windows Mobile devices. They totaled around one million downloads, which was a huge feat for 16-year-old Chris. The release of the iPhone ended that era though.

My focus shifted to design. I was fascinated by identity design and branding, creating logotypes and working out color schemes. I built a few corporate identities, which even led to a few first paid gigs. Around the same time, I started out with photography, peaking in nearly 10 weddings.

Over the time, I realized photography wasn’t forever for me. Further design work required some online work, so I kind of slid into web design. At first, I wasn’t able to turn those designs into reality myself, but over time, I started to look into HTML and CSS, building basic structures and playing around with what was possible at that time (responsive sites? nah).

Enter WordPress, which I must have just stumbled up on by looking at its themes. I must have built a first WordPress site circa 2011, which was a personal site/blog for myself. From there, it’s been a wild ride through the WordPress world. I mainly built themes for a long time, but have now also shifted to custom plugin development and customization, putting all the loose ends together, connecting services and marketing tools for a complete online experience.